About the TWG

The Society for Wildlife Forensic Sciences operates a Technical Working Group (TWG) that is responsible for developing and disseminating advice on technical issues, including quality assurance in wildlife forensics.  The group is currently chaired by Dr. Greta Frankham (Australia) and is composed of SWFS members spanning a range of technical and geographic backgrounds.

The TWG replaces part of the function of SWGWILD, the Scientific Working Group on Wildlife Forensics which operated from 2009-2016.  SWGWILD produced a series of work products including a Wildlife Forensics White Paper.

Within the USA, the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC), established in 2014, is now responsible for coordinating and harmonizing US-focused wildlife forensic standards, through the Wildlife Forensics Subcommittee of the Biology Scientific Area Committee (SAC).



TWG 2022 photo

TWG Resources

The TWG, together with external contributors, has produced the following resources for wildlife forensic scientists.

SWFS Standards and Guidelines version 3 (English)

*Please note that the translations have not been formally reviewed by the TWG, they are here for your reference. If you notice anything of concern please send an email to the TWG.

SWFS Quality Manual Template

  • The SWFS Quality Manual Template is just a preview. Use the Contact Form to the right to request the complete version.

A guide for the validation of DNA based species identification in forensic casework. Webster et al. (2024).

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